The deadlift and the squat are both overrated in relation to most people's goals
The best and most famous physiques weren’t built with deadlifts and squats. I’ve been training at the gym for two decades and so I speak...
The inclined biceps curl: a great mass builder and one of my favorite exercises
I The seated inclined biceps curl Considering the status of the biceps muscle it is no wonder that on any given day you can probably see...
Best kind of barbell for biceps training: straight barbell vs EZ curl bar
I've been asked several times which one I prefer when doing the biceps curl - the classic straight barbell or the so called "curl bar",...
A great abs exercise and why it is my favourite
Today's blog post is dedicated to a favourite abs exercise of mine: hanging feet-to-the-bar leg lifts This is one of the toughest abs...
The Triceps: two thirds of a well developed arm
The Triceps. It makes up for two thirds of most people's arms. Yet it doesn't get nearly as much attention as the Biceps. If you want to...
Arnold presses: a recommended shoulder exercise
Arnold shoulder presses Introduction I'm going to expand heavily on the number of exercises articles here at In the...
The minimalistic save, part 1
17/4-2016 The minimalistic save, part 1 Sometimes we face the daunting prospect of having to go through a few days, or maybe even weeks,...
Don't forget shoulder day
11/11-2015 There is a lot of talk online about the importance of leg day. There is an urge not to become somebody who has a muscular...
Leg day is overrated
31/10-15 Leg day is seriously overrated. What should be highly rated depends only on your own personal ideals and goals. There is no...
3 fitness trends that we will smile at in a few years
NEW ARTICLE PUBLISHED TODAY. Today I published a new article. It is named 3 fitness trends that we will smile at in a few years....