Great and underused exercises, part 1
Great and underused exercises, part 1 In this and the following couple of articles I’m going to list and comment on what I consider to be...

The deadlift and the squat are both overrated in relation to most people's goals
The best and most famous physiques weren’t built with deadlifts and squats. I’ve been training at the gym for two decades and so I speak...

Bodyweight weekend
Friday's workout session went like this: Myotatic crunches on Bosu ball, 3x12 Alternating crunches on Bosu ball, 3x24 (12/side) Dynamic...

Don't forget shoulder day
11/11-2015 There is a lot of talk online about the importance of leg day. There is an urge not to become somebody who has a muscular...

Leg day is overrated
31/10-15 Leg day is seriously overrated. What should be highly rated depends only on your own personal ideals and goals. There is no...

Mixing it up - calisthenics collides with 5x5
Today's workout session was all about mixing it up. After having trained with high volume for the last few weeks, keeping most sets in...

A German Volume Training session followed by a lunch offering the most healthy vegetable in the worl
3/8-2015. I couldn´t think of a better way to start the new week than to treat myself with a German Volume Training leg session. The...