The reason I always go back to high volume training
Sometimes I have been prioritizing heavy weights and a lower training volume than the one I usually perform. The number of sets have been...

The perfect back workout
A perfectly composed back workout routine As any regular reader here at will know I sometimes share my own exact...

A protein drink in the style of the golden era
Development is a fine thing. We don’t want to live in a stale universe where things just remain the same, do we? No. We don’t. We want...

The most effective way to build visible muscle
The empirical superiority of the old school bodybuilding split It has become popular to come up with alternative approaches to muscle...

3 different high volume routines that I all recommend
If you are a regular reader here at you will have noticed my love for high volume training. In a recent blog post I...

The shock workout routine: a 550 reps arm workout
The shock workout routine, part 2: a 550 reps arm workout This article will give you a new example of what I call shock workout routines...

Light is heavy
Light is heavy Today I performed 40 sets of grueling arm work. And I do mean grueling. This was truly hard training. It was a workout...

Prioritizing will help you build muscle faster
Many people have goals at the gym that could be summed up something like this: I want to be in great shape, with a muscular and strong...

Bodyweight weekend
Friday's workout session went like this: Myotatic crunches on Bosu ball, 3x12 Alternating crunches on Bosu ball, 3x24 (12/side) Dynamic...

The most important kind of strength
Yesterday was arm day. But above all, it was focus day. When I arrived at the gym I had a clear vision of what I wanted to achieve, right...