The best serratus-exercise is not an abs-exercise
The abs and mid-section are truly important when one is in pursuit of a visibly impressive physique worthy of being called "chiseled". If...

Bodyweight weekend
Friday's workout session went like this: Myotatic crunches on Bosu ball, 3x12 Alternating crunches on Bosu ball, 3x24 (12/side) Dynamic...

The minimalistic save, part 1
17/4-2016 The minimalistic save, part 1 Sometimes we face the daunting prospect of having to go through a few days, or maybe even weeks,...

Calisthenics en masse
21/8-2015 Today I made a point out of not using either dumbbell or barbell. Instead I relied solely on my own body weight for resistance....

Mixing it up - calisthenics collides with 5x5
Today's workout session was all about mixing it up. After having trained with high volume for the last few weeks, keeping most sets in...

Spreading the wings - pullups vs. lats Pulldowns
14/8-2015. I perform pull-ups almost every time I train my back muscles. The exercise is a cornerpillar in my back routine. I often...