Besegra ditt ego och erövra kvalitet!
Att bygga muskler handlar mera om metodik och teknik än om råstyrka. Detta påpekande känns kontraintuitivt för många som inte själva...

Hur du uppnår maximal pump
När du fyller en muskel med blod erhåller du så kallad pump. Muskeln sväller och blir större till följd av blodet som samlats i den. För...

Pistoler och hästskor
Om jag säger att jag inledde denna helg på bästa möjliga sätt så drar naturligtvis varje läsare exakt samma slutsats - och ja, ni har...

Great and underused exercises, part 2
Today I’ll continue my listing and commenting on what I consider to be great but underused exercises. Make use of these exercises if you...

Bench pressing Hollywood style
Bench pressing Hollywood style The traditional flat bench press is a classic in every sense of the word. It is a corner pillar in many...

The energy building workout
Today I woke up exhausted after too little sleep. I then went through the day without eating more than once and without drinking...

The minimalistic save workout , part 2
The minimalistic save workout, part 2 In an earlier post I introduced the concept of what I call the minimalistic save, meaning a...

Pecs and Cardio Monday
This week started off with a pecs and cardio workout. I like that combination. It feeds two different, yet interdependent, ambitions:...

Bench pressing Hollywood style
Bench pressing Hollywood style The traditional flat bench press is a classic in every sense of the word. It is a corner pillar in many...

The reason I always go back to high volume training
Sometimes I have been prioritizing heavy weights and a lower training volume than the one I usually perform. The number of sets have been...